


Zirconium is a metal that is white in color and also has light transmittance. It has a very high resistance against the pressures on it. It is biologically tissue friendly. While zirconium-based porcelains provide an aesthetic and natural appearance in the anterior teeth, they are more preferred today because they are resistant to use in the posterior teeth. Zirconia Crown, which is a problem-free infrastructure option for those with metal allergies, increases the quality of life of people by creating a natural and aesthetic appearance in the patient’s mouth.

Zirconium crowns can be applied to all teeth in the anterior and posterior regions.

The tooth is slightly reduced as in metal-supported veneers, and when the gingiva becomes healthy, a precise measurement is taken with special impression materials and spoons suitable for the mouth. Reduction procedures are performed under local anaesthesia, and then a temporary tooth-colored coating is applied to prevent stinging in hot and cold temperatures. The model is prepared according to the measurement taken and a wax model of your teeth is created on the model. This model is transferred to the computer environment by means of an optical reader. This information from the model is edited via software. The next step is to transfer the ready draft to the zirconium oxide block. The scraper device gives the final shape to the substructure of your teeth by abrading the zirconium block without fail according to the information given. After the firing stage, it finishes the work by adding ceramic porcelain in the appropriate color on the zirconium substructures. Thanks to zirconium oxide, which is a computer and software supported high-tech product, strong and aesthetic coatings and restorations can be successfully made without using metal.

It can be applied to teeth of any color. A tooth with very dark color can be covered with a zirconium coating in the desired color. The actual color of the tooth does not affect the color of the zirconium coating. Even after many years, the color of the zirconium tooth coating does not change.

Thanks to its biological compatibility, it does not cause allergies. Some people in the community are allergic to metal. When these people want to have a dental veneer, it is necessary to have a zirconium veneer. Otherwise, it may face many dental and gum diseases such as inflammation of the gums, gingival recession, bleeding in the gums, gingival swelling, redness, etc.


  • Lack of sensitivity to cold and hot.
  • Does not cause allergies (fully compatible with tissue).
  • Color is not dull or dull (not opaque).
  • Perfect alignment of the gums.
  • Being hygienic (less microorganism retention on its surface).
  • Fully compatible with body tissues and mouth tissues.

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    We pride ourselves on the best quality customer services in Turkey and Europe backed by decades of clinical experience.Our belief is that healthy mouths always lead to healthy bodies.

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    Hamidiye, Cendere Cd. No:103 D:1B, 34398 Kâğıthane


    +90 536 742 41 19

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    Özel Qualident Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği


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    Hamidiye, Cendere Cd. No:103 D:1B, 34398 Kâğıthane


    +90 536 742 41 19

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    Özel Qualident Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği


    We pride ourselves on the best quality customer services in Turkey and Europe backed by decades of clinical experience.Our belief is that healthy mouths always lead to healthy bodies.

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    Istanbul, Turkey
    Hamidiye, Cendere Cd. No:103 D:1B, 34398 Kâğıthane


    +90 536 742 41 19

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    Özel Qualident Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği